
How to add Job Experience to Resume?

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Job experience section is a critical element on your CV because it shows that you have the qualifications to be an asset to your potential employer. It provides substantial information in a limited space as well. In this article we are going to show you how to add job experience to Resume to make your CV strong. And it will make a good impression on your prospective employer.

What is a resume work experience section?

The work experience section of your resume must contain information on your work history, including previous titles, employers, dates of tenure, responsibilities, skills learned and accomplishments. Based on your background, you can include full-time positions, part-time jobs, temporary positions, internships and even volunteering if you don’t have extensive paid work experience.

Why work experience on a CV is important?

Best resume / CV Curriculum vitae

Many employers consider describing work experience to be the most important part of a resume. To quickly get a sense of your employment history, your prospective employer will likely read the work experience section first. Therefore, it may play a key role in the hiring process. The work experience section of your resume tells the hiring manager if you have the experience and skills to succeed in your position you are applying for. This section also contains information on your accomplishments, which may set you apart from other candidates and make you more likely to get an  interview.

How to add job experience to Resume?

1. Include detailed information that is relevant.

The Work Experience section of your CV should contain specific information on your work history, including:

Companies you’ve worked with.

Provide the full and official names of the companies for which you have worked, starting with the most recent, followed by the most recent, and so on. In general, you should at least include your most recent three employers. Include the amount of work experience required in the job offer, if necessary.

Companies’ locations.

Include cities and states where your former employers are located. It is not required to provide their complete physical address.

Employment dates

Use the standard month-year format (e.g. from January 2014 to November 2019) to indicate when you began and stopped working for each company. If you have short differences in employment history, you may want to list only the years of employment.

Job titles

You need to be precise about your job titles in the companies you have worked for. For example, it is preferable to indicate that you were a Social Media Marketing Manager instead of just writing “Marketing Manager”. In addition, avoid using acronyms to reference your positions.

Responsibilities and impact

Briefly describe your key responsibilities and the competencies you have demonstrated in your previous jobs, such as project management, strategic planning or team building. Relate your responsibility to a key impact, using figures to measure your success.


The list of promotions you may have earned in previous positions will show your potential employer that you performed well in your past jobs, which could make you a more appealing candidate.

Awards and recognitions

You can include your awards and recognitions under the Work Experience section, or have a separate section for them. These accomplishments demonstrate that you can excel at your job. If you don’t have extensive work experience, you can include another experience that shows your skills and commitment to completing tasks professionally. This may include paid jobs that do not appear to be directly relevant, such as retail or food industry jobs that you held in high school or college, internships or even volunteer work. Prioritize experiences pertinent to the position you are applying for.

If you have two or more years of work experience, you should remove less relevant positions.

2. Format the resume work experience section

  • Chronological format

In a chronological CV, you will list your work history with your newest job at the top. This is the most used format as it clearly demonstrates how you have progressed throughout your career. This method works best if you have at least several years of constant professional experience.

  • Functional format

With the functional curriculum vitae format, you will rank your achievements and competencies according to the requirements of the desired job. You will only need to mention the names of your previous employers and the duration of your employment in your work history.

  • Combination format

The combined format provides more flexibility, allowing you to showcase your work history in a way that emphasizes your strengths. With this option, you will first provide a summary of your work experience, followed by a list of your achievements and qualifications.

Resume work experience writing tips

Resumés are generally in accordance with a standard format and structure. But you can bring out your work experience with these tips:

Choose an organized template

Having the right organization makes your CV easier to read. Choose a format to list your former employers, positions and dates of employment and maintain it throughout the document. Highlight information with bold print, tabs, horizontal lines and tables.

Meet the requirements of your potential employer.

Many job seekers only list their responsibilities and qualifications. Point out the advantages that your previous job offers your future employer. Integrate the keywords from the job description that align with your experience.

Stand out from the rest of the candidates.

In addition to your responsibilities in previous positions, you must provide information that sets you apart from other applicants.

This can include your unique abilities or traits, the awards and accolades you have received, or the leadership positions you have held.

Write it briefly.

Keep your points short and easy to read. Include only information relevant to the employer.

Open or close with your more convincing points.

This is especially important if your CV is longer than 1 page. Strong introductions and findings with powerful words can increase the chances of the hiring manager to read the Work Experience section from the beginning to the end.


A resume is the main document that can make a good impression on you. if you have higher work experience, it is a plus point to get the particular job. So, if someone wants to know How to add Job Experience to Resume, these details will guide you.

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